The summer is now almost, almost over. It’s September 25th, so it probably sounds to most folks like the summer has been over for a long time. But–UChicago starts late, and so September tends to be the month that we all get “off.” Which, I apologize for, is the reason I have been totally absent for the entirety of the month.
My CPE Art Journal Project was hugely successful. Thanks to all of YOU who were supportive of both my artwork and my service work at The Night Ministry, I had an amazing summer. I sold several hundred dollars worth of artwork in order to supplement my small internship stipend, and because of that I did not have to take a second part time job. I was able to really focus on the people I served, and my developing identity as a minister and service worker. CPE is short for Clinical Pastoral Education, and so there is a lot of soul-searching and identity-making that comes along with the work that one does “out there” with people. I had the mental and physical energy to do all that hard work and it was an extremely informative summer for me. I couldn’t have done it without all of you, who so generously leapt at the chance to buy a piece of my artwork. (And, you were all very patient with my exorbitant lateness on mailing them all.)
Thank you to:
Katherine Ray
Paul and Lee Nancarrow
Maddie Zaycheck of Memory Me Studios (who just had a BAMBINO! CONGRATS)
Scott and Mary Jo Reed
Paula Reed Nancarrow
Eldon and Carol Reed
Janelle and Peter Thorson
Stacey and Vic Gudonis
Whitney and Paul Trifoso
My Great Grandparents: A. Paul and Debbie Nancarrow, who didn’t buy a drawing, but who were generous enough to offer support for overhead costs.
Incase you missed any of the pieces, here they are!
- Week 10
- Week 9
- Week 8
- Week 7
- Week 6
- Week 4
- Week 3
- Week 2