Okay, so this did not turn into a weekly-post situation. It never does with me. I set silly goals and then get distracted.

But, here we are in September. Over the past three weeks or so I’ve encountered a lot of pretty schweet things. There’s probably more than five, but I can keep them banked for now until I figure out how to be more consistent in my posting. At least for now, I have most of the next two or three weeks free.

1. Trader Joe’s

Trader Joe’s is not obscure, and everybody else knew it was awesome before I did. Therefore I don’t need to explain it. Other than by saying “Oh happy day, pre-packaged delicious pasta for under five bucks.” (There’s this squash one that is perfection without sauce; just olive oil and parmesan and maybe some almonds.)

2. Emporium Arcade Bar

WHAT?! An arcade bar?! Yeah, that’s right. A few weeks ago ended up here playing Mrs. Pacman with some seriously delicious beverages (selection is pretty intense). I lost pretty bad in the pacman department, but won in every other department. Also, they have asteroids. ‘Nuf said.

3. Cory Booker’s Awesome DNC Speech

I find this guy to be a total badass. Cory Booker is the mayor of Newark, who has been in the ‘limelight’ so to speak because he has done some really innovative and effective things to turn the city around. Most intriguing, I think, are the setting up of “Family Success Centers”, which are all encompassing service centers that help people get back on their feet in a comprehensive way. A lot of non-profits or government services focus on one thing that needs to be “fixed” about a person in need. Newer and more effective projects, like these, try to bring a lot of services together, making it easier to get a grasp on all the facets of having a healthy, successful life.

In his DNC speech, he was very dynamic and exciting, riled up the crowd, and just over all made people feel good about themselves. Michelle Obama’s excellent speech kind of overshadowed it (probably a totally legitimate thing to do), but I was pretty excited to hear from this guy.

4. This.

I can’t help it, but this tumblr “Evryday I’m pastorin” is just painfully amusing. For anyone who’s clergy, family of clergy, or just generally active in a church–there’s some really good ones in there. Especially about accidentally “outing” yourself as a liberal democrat. Hah.

5. Successful completion of my first day as a Seminary Intern!

Today was the program-year kick off at Saint Paul and the Redeemer, a pretty cool Episcopal Church here in Hyde Park. Even though the school year won’t start, for me, until October 1, I started doing intern-like things in the service on the first day. Even though I was certain I would make a gigantic fool of myself, I made it through Godly Play (the church’s Sunday School program) and read the (original composition) prayers of the people. I don’t really know why I was so nervous, but I was. Now I’ve got a gigantic empty week ahead of me with absolutely NOTHING to do in it. Hopefully this means that I will spend plenty of time drawing.